
Length:  xxx km / xxx miles
Catchment:  ?? km2 / ?? miles2 

Our stream catchment is the Sugitani (Cedar Valley). We get our drinking water and water for daily needs-washing and irrigation. It is a neat river and I sometimes go up it to see if any rubbish or effluent has been discharged. It isn't  easy to pollute because of the mountainous terrain. Several people use it - mainly craft workers - there is also a person who uses the cedar to grow mushrooms.

That is our catchment. It eventually flows into the ISE WAN which is now being turned into an International Airport (The Chubu Kokusai Kuko). It is terrible to see such destruction and yet our voices go unheard. Still, time will tell.

The river won`t be found easily because it is very small. Perhaps Asakegawa, - but even that might be too small. These should appear. The Kiso River, the Ibi River and Suzuka River. They all flow into Ise Wan
(Bay). Rivers get a really bad deal in Japan.

 Taken from email,  25/4/03  - Wali Hawes


